Useful Websites for Maths

Telling the time

Being able to tell the time using both an analogue and digital clock is a life skill. Whilst a lot of time is spent in the classroom teaching and supporting children, many find it a difficult concept to grasp owing to the range of language. It would greatly assist your child if you could help them with this by looking at the clock together at key moments such as mealtimes, bedtime and when going to clubs.

Telling the Time – Mathsframe

Interactive clock | analogue clock | digital | movable | teaching clock | visnos

General websites

‘Maths is Fun’ is a useful website for children, parents and carers as you can search it to find both definitions and examples of maths concepts. Not only does it have useful information, but you can find a range of games to play to apply this new knowledge. Math is Fun (

Maths games for KS1 covering a range of maths concepts

KS1 Maths – England – BBC Bitesize

Fun maths games and activities | Oxford Owl

Most Popular Free Maths Games – Mathsframe

Maths games for KS2 covering a range of maths concepts

KS2 Maths – BBC Bitesize

Fun maths games and activities | Oxford Owl

Most Popular Free Maths Games – Mathsframe