School Uniform

At Leverton, the wearing of uniform is compulsory. Research has found uniforms can significantly aid children’s performance at school, self-respect and respect for the school, and even has a positive impact on attendance.
Children who have pierced ears may wear one small stud per ear. No other jewellery should be worn. During all PE lessons earrings must be removed.
No nail polish or false nails to be worn.
Main Uniform
- Hair tied back
- Only one pair of stud earrings
- No smartwatches
- No hair dye
- Black skirt, dress, trousers or shorts
- Black shoes or plain black trainers
- White polo t-shirt* or white shirt*
- Red jumper* or cardigan
PE Kit:
- Black joggers/shorts and white t-shirt*, black jumper
- Trainers
- Year 5 swimming kit; trunks, swimming costume, swimming hat and towel
- No jewellery
Please label your child’s clothes with their full name so that any items that become lost can be returned.
*These items with the school logo embroidered can be bought from school office, this is optional.
Our full uniform policy can be found in the statutory information section under policies