
As a school we have to reach an overall attendance of 96% in line with the national average. We are there to support and help you to improve your child’s attendance. This then, enables your child to achieve and reach their full potential academically. If we have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance, we can make a referral to the local authority.
Attendance Guidance
Please click on the link below to view our Attendance Guidance
Leave of Absence in term time
The Department for Education has introduced a new statutory national Framework, that all schools in England must follow.
- There is now a single consistent national threshold for when a penalty notice must be considered by all schools in England of 10 sessions (usually equivalent to 5 school days) of unauthorised absence within a rolling 10 school week period. These sessions do not have to be consecutive and can be made up of a combination of any type of unauthorised absence, including lateness.
- If a Penalty Notice is issued for an offence of unauthorised absence, the first will attract a fine of up to £160 per pupil, per parent (£80 if paid within 21 days);
- A second offence in three years will attract a fine of £160 per pupil, per parent.
- Schools cannot issue a third penalty notice in 3 years, and must consider other sanctions, which may include prosecution.
Please speak to the school if you need more information about the new rules.
Leave Of Absence Forms
Leave of Absence Forms can be obtained either via the school office or downloaded from the links below; please email the completed form (part 2) to
For further guidance on school attendance is available from the Essex County Council website.