Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs

The school believes all children have a right to access a full experience of the curriculum. Whole school planning and methods are designed to ensure this, and the staff operate a policy of differentiation whenever appropriate. The staff acknowledges that all children have special needs which can usually be met in the normal day-to-day running of the classroom. Some children, however, have short and long term special needs which require more attention than this. Children with special educational needs will be supported within the classroom with appropriate teaching resources.

Where children need support beyond the normal teaching programmes, they may be withdrawn individually or in small groups from the classroom to work with an LA.

The child’s self-esteem is of crucial importance if progress is to be made. We aim to provide work that will encourage, motivate and consistently reinforce a sense of achievement and success.

The class teacher, in conjunction with the SENCo, parents and the child, will consistently monitor progress.

Having identified a learning difficulty, the school will follow procedures according to the Code of Practice. A One Plan is written with the SENCO, the Class teacher, the child and the parents. One of our trained Learning Assistants will deliver a range of Intervention Programmes to support the child.

If you have any concerns regarding the progress your child is making and feel you would like to discuss it, please arrange an appointment to meet with the school’s Special Education Co-ordinator (SENCO).

What is the Local Offer?

  • Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and review information about educational provision available for children and young people with SEND under the Children and Families Bill. This is known as the ‘Local Offer’.
  • The Local Offer should help parents and families know what they can reasonably expect from their local schools.

Please see the link below to the Local Offer published by the Essex Local Authority.